Any woman involved in the business of combating fraud and financial crime will know that it can sometimes be a rather male environment, in which there are few senior female executives. The Fraud Women’s Network (FWN) was therefore been set up to unite women in all aspects of combating the threat of fraud and financial crime, to network and to share best practice, information and experience in order to help tackle the threat from fraud and financial crime.
Our aims and objectives
We aim to provide women in these arenas with:
networking opportunities. Our regular networking events provide an invaluable way of establishing and cementing contacts across the whole financial crime arena, sharing information and ideas (we also enjoy the social aspect!);
access to a wide-ranging education programme about the latest trends and developments in fraud and financial crime, and the newest tools to help prevent, detect and investigate fraud and financial crime;
mentoring opportunities. Many of the members of the Fraud Women's Network are senior within their organisations and have a great deal of knowledge, experience and advice that they can impart, as well as encouraging junior women to progress in their careers.
Fraud and financial crime occurs in both the public and private sectors and will increase unless we combine forces to do something about it.