Why Public Sector Fraud Matters to YOU!

  • Wednesday, June 11, 2014
  • 17:00 - 21:00
  • FICO, 5th Floor, Cottons Centre, Hays Lane, London SE1 2QP


Graeme Thomson - Assistant Director Fraud, Error, Debt and Grants Team, ERG, Cabinet Office.
Graeme joined the civil service in 2009 having come from British Airways, originally to do programme management in the Office of Government Commerce Collaborative Procurement, then managing the government Performance Management regime on its carbon emissions and waste reduction, and then programme management role for the government IT strategy, before joining the Fraud, Error and Debt team in January 2013. Since then, Graeme has covered the Fraud and Error programme; leading on DCLG local authority work, the Counter Fraud Checking Service, the National Fraud Initiative and supporting the drive for government to improve its data sharing.

Graeme will be talking about the role being undertaken by Cabinet Office to drive government departments and Local Authorities to better their fraud and error prevention and reduction work, and the place that data analytics has in improving the effectiveness of counter fraud and error delivery. 

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Nick Davies - Universal Credit Programme

Trained as a Tax Inspector in the (then) Inland Revenue, investigating at various times cabbies, Lloyds names, banks, oil companies and international avoidance. Latterly in the re-named HMRC he was Assistant Director in charge of Claimant Compliance for Tax Credits- looking at error and fraud in that system and ways to reduce it. Now on secondment to the Universal Credit Programme in DWP he is working on how DWP can get better data - especially on claimant earnings - through closer working with the banks and their payments processes and reduce error and fraud as a result. 

Nick will describe some of the issues common to both DWP's benefit and HMRC's tax credit systems, with examples, and will suggest one or two of the ways in which closer working with the private sector and the sensible and proportionate use of data on both sides can be of benefit to the prevention of both public and private sector fraud.


17:00hrs to 18:00hrs - Registration and drinks
18:00hrs to 19:00hrs - Speakers and Q&A
19:00hrs to 21:00hrs - Networking reception with drinks and canapés kindly sponsored by FICO

FWN Members and Guests can register for this event by emailing us at info@fraudwomensnetwork.com.

We would like to thank FICO for their continued support of the Fraud Women's Network.

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