Fraud Women's Network 10 Year Anniversary and Annual Event

  • Tuesday, April 04, 2017
  • 18:00 - 22:00
  • The Lillian Baylis Studio, Sadler's Wells, 183 Rosebery Ave, Clerkenwell, London EC1R 4TJ

As this year marks the 10th Anniversary of the Fraud Women's Network (FWN) our Annual Event will take a look back over the last ten years and see how much the fraud landscape has changed and developed.  Then we will be getting our crystal ball out and looking at what we can except in the future on what fraud and security could look like over the next ten years.  We have several esteemed speakers lined up (see below), all of whom will be chatting with Geoff White, Technology Journalist in a panel discussion.  We will also celebrate the achievements of FWN over the last 10 years and how we will develop in the future.


18.00 – Registration and reception drinks
18.45 – Panel Discussion and Q&A, FWN thanks and announcements
20.15 – Canape reception Garden Court Yard
21.30 – Bar closes
22.00 – Guests depart

Panel discussion, moderated by Geoff White, Technology Journalist, with speakers putting forward their perspective on the fraud landscape over the last 10 years  and some crystal ball gazing as to what the future holds:

Alison Levitt QCPartner and Head of the Business Crime group at Mishcon de Reya.  Alison specialises in criminal, regulatory and related matters;

Katy Worobec, Director Financial Fraud Action UK Ltd;

Donald Toon, Director, Prosperity of the National Crime Agency (NCA). Donald leads and coordinates the UK’s enforcement response to a range of serious criminality, including: money laundering; corruption; sanctions; counterfeit currency; intellectual property crime; cyber and fraud.  After ten years as an officer in the Royal Navy, Donald moved into operational law enforcement in 2002 as the head of Customs’ criminal investigation capability.  In 2011, Donald was appointed as HMRC’s Director of Criminal Investigation, where he led the delivery of a fivefold increase in prosecutions for tax fraud. In March 2014, he was appointed as Director, Economic Crime Command in the NCA, and in November 2016, he was appointed Director Prosperity, covering both Economic and Cyber crime.  Donald holds a MBA degree and a Bachelor’s degree in Systems Science and Management.

Elizabeth Ross, Kroll.  Elizabeth Ross is an Associate Managing Director in Kroll’s Investigations and Disputes practice, based in the London office. As a senior practitioner on the Business Intelligence team, Elizabeth provides consulting advice to private equity, professional services, and corporate clients in EMEA; their commercial interests stretch across a range of sectors and geographies. Prior to joining Kroll, Elizabeth served as an Equity Research Analyst at Morgan Stanley, with a focus on Central and Eastern European banks.

Simon Dukes, Chief Executive, Cifas.  With a background in the public sector, Simon has held senior roles in a variety of specialisms, in particular defence, security and policing.  He has also had experience of Government communications and public affairs.  Prior to joining Cifas, he was Deputy Director of the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure with responsibility for cyber security.  

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